Shlomo Savyon
Friday, 8:37 a.m.
Dear Friend,
How you too can keep your Pelton & Crane OCM sterilizer
for many more years to come?
us Re-Manufacture it for you.
If you are considering discarding your Pelton & Crane OCM sterilizer, and buying a new sterilizer -- read the following and judge for yourself.
We have been in the sterilizer repair and Re-Manufacture business since 1974. Experience and history shows that the OCM is the most reliable, and easiest to use sterilizer ever made.
It is
a very easy sterilizer to trouble shoot, repair, and change the components.
There are after market companies which do nothing but manufacture parts for
this sterilizer. There are millions of these sterilizers still sterilizing successfully
every day.
The Pelton & Crane OCM is the sterilizer that truly never became obsolete and never will.
OCM (the way to identify this model is by the number of screws which hold the cover. There are three(3) screws on each side of the sterilizer).
Chamber size 7"dia x 14" deep
width 15"
Outside depth 18"
Outside height 13"
This is the best sterilizer ever made. Pelton & Crane stopped making the OCM on or about 1986. That was when Siemens Germany (the mother company) decided manufacture only a computerized sterilizer (which they did) and called it the Validator, Delta
There are doctors we meet at conventions who tell us that they have had this sterilizer(OCM) for more than 25 years, with only minor repairs.
Then why change a winner? re-manufacture it -- we will do it for you
We at Alfa also feel that this was one of the best sterilizers ever made. Except for one thing. It has a manual timer.
The way the Pelton & Crane OCM work
is, after filling the chamber with water, setting the timer, and turning to sterilize
position, the cycle starts.
Upon completion of the cycle, the bell goes
off, and the user has to do the following:
1. Turn the bottom knob to vent
2. When the pressure is all vented, and the gauge is at the zero
mark ...
3. Turn the bottom knob to the off position.
The problem arises when the user works in a different room than the sterilizer and will not hear the bell going off marking the completion of the cycle.
So the venting would not be done, and the timer wouldn't be turned off. The sterilizer should be vented and turned off no later than 60 minutes after the unit is being turned on. The end result would be...the sterilizer would stay in the On Position for very long time.
Even if the user did hear the bell going off, because of being involved in other tasks, the decision to vent the sterilizer right then would be delayed to when free time was at hand. However, free time doesn't come in a busy health care practice. The end result would be the same...the sterilizer would stay in the On Position for very long time.
Many times the sterilizer would be left running much more than an hour. We have heard of cases where the sterilizer would be left on all night (did that ever happen to you?, common, be honest).
have heard of cases where the sterilizer would be left for the entire weekend
(did that ever happen to you?).
Here is what will
happen If you leave the sterilizer running longer than an hour --
The water will evaporate from the chamber...
The heaters would still be on...
The heaters will continue heat the chamber...
The chamber would get red hot...
A danger of buring packs, fire in the office can happen.
Eventually the chamber will start to get warped.
Now we have a chamber which
(instead of being smooth and round) has some bumps, and can make contact with
the heater only on its high points (the bumps). The heater is made in such a way
that it evenly distributes the wattage all across wherever it makes contact.
However, since it contacts only the "bumps" area, all the wattage
is concentrated there. There is now much higher wattage touching at several points
on the chamber.
The real problem starts to evolve. Those bumps on the chamber
get all the high wattage, and they slowly start developing pin holes. When the
sterilizer is run, the pressure starts to leak out through those pin holes.
When steam leaks through those pin holes and onto the heater, they short
out the heater, and the yellow light in the front is no longer working.
repair people, when they trouble shoot this sterilizer, recognize that the heater
needs to be replaced, and indeed, after the heater is replaced, the yellow light
will come on, and the sterilizer will heat up again. However, not for long.
This is because the chamber has pin holes in it, and the steam will again
escape the chamber onto the heater and short it out.
The only solution is in addition to replacing the heaters, is to replace or repair the chamber as well.
To prevent this problem from ever happening again, we install a mechanical timer which, when the bell goes off, automatically shuts off the power to the sterilizer, and the sterilizer then vents itself.
You no longer have to stay until the cycle is over, no longer have to rush back from lunch to vent and shut off the sterilizer, no longer have to worry while you are at home or on the way to your home whether the sterilizer is on or off. From now on, it will shut off and vent automatically. In addition, to the above, it will protect the heaters, and the chamber from malfunctioning. Most important, it will protect your instruments.
Here is what you should do with your Pelton & Crane OCM:
Save the best autoclave ever made by sending it to us. Your Pelton and Crane OCM can be made better than new by Alfa Medical Equipment. When we get your sterilizer in our factory we do the following:
all three heaters
Replace filter
New Gasket
the entire sterilizer with temperature sensitive wire
Upgrade to a larger reservoir (if yours doesn't have one already)
Install New Temperature and Pressure Gauges
Calibrate for more accurate temperature & pressure reading
Install 'Over Pressure' Safety Valve
Upgrade to our Automatic Shut Off System
Upgrade to our Automatic Venting System
Upgrade and strengthen the chamber.
If this is the only sterilizer you have, we can ship you a Refurbished sterilizer, just like yours, and take yours back in exchange. Same price as above.
So you have two options:
Option 1 - We'll pick up your sterilizer, rebuild it, and ship back.
Option 2 - We'll ship you a Pelton Crane OCM sterilizer (just like yours),
and arrange to pick your up. The cost is the same as option 1
We have
done thousands of such rebuilds, very successfully and to the satisfactory of
thousands customers. Here
are some of the testimonials of our customers who we rebuilt their Pelton and
Crane OCM sterilizer.
For assistance call 1-800-801-9934 and ask for ...
Andy, Andrea, Danny
Shlomo or Chuck.
Find an autoclave or sterilizer that will sterilize all instruments. COX dry heat sterilizer, Pelton and Crane OCM, OCR, Delta Q, Tuttnauer; distributes Sterilizers & Autoclaves. |